Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Vibe vs Vette

Today we took the Vibe in for service, the check engine light had came on, and we thought it might be a good idea to have it look at. We dropped the car off at a GM dealership, and while we were there we looked around the show room, and guess what.... "Mary" fell in love with this brand new 2005 Corvette!!! I think with a little more encouragement from me, she might be willing to trade in the Vibe. Speaking of the Vibe its still in the shop, this might be a sign from above, (read trade in). Hopefully (not) the Vibe will be ready tomorrow. We enjoyed breakfast with our friend John who was good enough not only to buy breakfast, but then loaned us his truck. Later Mary and I went to the "Golfin Dolfin" to use the driving range, do some shopping, and look at some real-estate. Later Tasha and I took our daily walk on the beach, while Mary hunted sea shells. Life just does not get any better than this, wish you all were here!